Rethinking ‘participatory sensing’
18 November 2015
Making Sense is an EU H2020 funded project that seeks to empower citizens through personal digital manufacturing applied to the design and deployment of environmental sensors. The consortium is formed by IAAC, Waag Society, University of Dundee, The Peers Educators Network and JRC.
Making Sense aims to explore how open source software, open source hardware, digital maker practices and open design can be effectively used by local communities to appropriate their own technological sensing tools, make sense of their environments and address pressing environmental problems in air, water, soil and sound pollution.
To achieve this, the project will develop a Making Sense Toolkit based on the Smart Citizen platform for bottom-up citizen science, developed at Fablab Barcelona.
This toolkit will be tested in pilots in Amsterdam, Barcelona and Prishtina, aimed at deepening our understanding on the processes enabling collective awareness.