Making Sense at OuiShare Fest BCN’16
26 September 2016
The Making Sense EU team has been invited to collaborate in the discussion in the OuiShare Fest’s Civic Technology track on the 26th of October !
OuiShare Fest is the most important professional event of the collaborative economy. In its second edition, innovators, business, government, media, startups and connected citizens will have the challenge of deconstructing, combining and reinventing the future. The festival in Barcelona will host multidisciplinary conversations with the great challenge of creating ethics in a new reality, with the common good and respect for the environment being of the utmost importance.
Core to the Making Sense project is the intelligibility of data. How do we cross the technical divide and reframe data to engage and make sense of the environment around us?
A critical design workshop for an issues based approach to participatory sensing
Making Sense collaborators Alexia Mellor & Gabriela Masfarré will guide the participants too use critical design methods to envision scenarios where citizens are empowered to create and use technology to tackle pressing environmental issues such as air and noise pollution.
The workshop will ask participants to suspend disbelief while we consider data from the perspective of both human and non-human agents in order to imagine the kind of world we would like to create. We will explore the interconnectedness of issues, and the relationships between infrastructures, economics and politics. Through this we will consider various forms of resources and forms of participation, while identifying areas that technology can support the transformations we desire.
The workshop also seeks to discuss how the academic, technology & maker communities might contribute to the design and development of sensor enclosures and data displays to support engagement and sense making, an area of citizen sensing that remains largely unexplored.
Participants will also see for the first time the totally re-modelled Smart Citizen Kit 1.5 device and learn about its new features.

All in all it should make for a very interesting evening. We hope to see you all there.
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