Making Sense of the Smart City
18 December 2015
The Making Sense project was presented at the first edition of the Smart Citizen Talks, were examples and approaches to participatory sensing were discussed.
A rapidly growing number of Smart Citizens take the future of the cities in which they live, work and play into their own hands. This takes knowledge, stamina, and access to networks of likeminded people. A large number of labs – like Fab Labs, Wet Labs, Maker Spaces and Code Clubs – are the places where this is happening at an increasingly massive scale. Their protagonists are artists, scientists and hackers, together cracking the code of hardware, software and wetware, coming up with new ideas and developing meaningful applications. In doing so, they gain a deeper understanding of the issues and forces that shape our world, and become (once again) the makers of change that our societies dearly need.
During the Smart Citizen Talks we explored a wide range of bottom up and grassroots initiatives, initiated by people who care about their environment: The human approach to improving the cities living conditions. Small actions that can create big impact.
You can read more about the event via this link.